Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Love for my daughter!

Your eyes glow like the blossoms lovely as the lily in the purest hope of spring,
My soul follows your sweet voice and leaps like a bird at the whisper of your name.
The evening floats in on the everlasting eagles wing,
I am comforted by your love and it brings me sunshine and never rain.

As my tears fall from my eyes, it reminds me of you, child,
In the quiet, I listen for the last song of the day.
My strong smile leaps to my heart so meek and mild,
We laugh as one, smile to smile never will it decay.

With your beautiful brown eyes and father’s kind of love,
I am so very blessed and thankful to God above.

Randy Roller 02/03/2010

In honor of my best friend, Phillip Townsend

Bless you! My friend
My strength , my hero and my best friend!

I know not how to thank you enough, my friend!
When we first met at the age of three
I knew our friendship would never end
We became joined like a lock and a key

I know not how to thank you enough, my friend!
When we were seven we became blood brothers
The world changed for me no need to pretend
The cut was deep and it scared our mothers

I know not how to thank you enough, my friend!
When we became men nothing had changed
I always knew we had many good times to spend
It is almost like this destiny was prearranged

I know not how to thank you enough, my friend!
When you married that wonderful girl, Sue
I was so proud and it continued a trend
With two wonderful boys and this is true

I know not how to thank you enough, my friend!
When I think of you I could write forever
I am so thankful and it is hard to comprehend
How I was so lucky for the bond none can sever

Bless you! My friend!
My strength , my hero and my best friend!